Chiron: Your Personal Fitness Companion
Chiron is your all-in-one solution to reaching your weight goals and achieving your ideal physique. Whether you are aiming to lose a few pounds or gain muscle mass, Chiron is here to help every step of the way. With user-friendly tools to track your workout routines and diet plans, you can easily monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed.
Take aim and shoot for your goals
We found out that users struggle to find the time to keep their workout routine and diet plans organized. Chiron enables people to keep track of their workout routines and diet plans.
We conducted 6 user interviews as well as sending out surveys in order to discover how users plan their diet and workout routine. We discovered that
Majority of our users prefer to workout at the gym if they find the time.
Users workout as a means to relieve stress.
Most of the users had no diet plan.
Users found it difficult to find time to workout and eat healthy foods.
User Persona
User Insight
During user interviews we discovered that the majority of individuals have somewhat of a workout routine; but no diet plan to currently keep track of it. People find it difficult to keep their schedules organized to find the time to work out and eat healthy foods.
Therefore, we believe that people need a way to organize their fitness journey and we might be able to help them by developing an app that will allow users to keep track of their workout routines and diet plans.
Competitor Analysis
Some of the major findings we obtained from our competitors were that most of the existing fitness/dieting apps have functions such as program/guides, scheduling, as well as nutrition and workout tracking.
Lo-Fi Prototype
Hi-Fi Prototype